Traditional House Earthquake Resistant Buildings, Construction of the main ingredients of traditional houses made of wood, we need to make it as an example of a safe design for the occupied population in earthquake prone areas. Traditional buildings in Indonesia are mostly an earthquake-resistant building.
Ex Chairman of IAI in Medan North Sumatra, Tavip Kurniadi Mustafa time, said that the construction of traditional houses nice to be applied in earthquake prone areas, because to lighter, until the event of an earthquake can reduce the risk of collapse.
"Used to frequent earthquakes also occur, but most traditional buildings are still standing strong survive to this day, to the need for us in the present hiduup to mimic the construction of earthquake-resistant building heritage of our ancestors," he said.
Moreover, the construction of shophouses, rarely use the services of architects in planning development. Determination of the design, construction, zoning, land efficiency and others done at random by people who are not experts. This is one factor why it's easy when a building collapsed during the earthquake.
Construction of a building or design a house so should be regulated in the legislation, so that the development process is in accordance with existing regulations, a building standards for building types with specific functions, if the different functions of the different standards that must be met.
Until now, only limited regulations for building permit (IMB), but the rule was not stressed to the provisions and standards of the composition of the construction of a building, but was limited to administrative regulations and fees only.
A multi-storey building, very vulnerable to collapse during an earthquake, until the construction of a multi-storey building to be monitored and checked carefully and thoroughly by local government bodies. This effort so as not to bring harm to the user later.
Commercial places should be reserved sbgi workshop or trade for example, is now widely used functions violates the rules, such as educational facilities, hospitals until the event of an earthquake, is potentially claimed many casualties.
Need a license as well as a very strict supervision in the construction of a terraced house or building, the building should have a different function, have different standards, so that construction sites can be adjusted with their respective functions.
Meanwhile, one of the professors of the Medan State University, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Ny. Meuthia Fachruddin also added that the shop houses in the city, mostly built without the correct calculation of the construction, to the utmost potential for loss of life will lead to a lot during an earthquake.
In the 18 th Law. 1999 on construction services must actually be implemented by all parties that are involved in development projects, the business was done in order not to affect someone aiming fatalities caused by negligent construction.