Tips to keep your home clean

Tips to keep your home clean, No one in this world would ever want to live in a dirty House. When entering the home after working hours in the Office, your mood will be updated if you have a clean house. Otherwise, the thought of a cleanup process lasts in your home will definitely ruin your mood. Housecleaning is not a process that requires time and should be used frequently to keep your home clean.

Create a calendar for work housecleaning. It is not that you always have to go around the House with cleaning materials to keep it clean. Immaculate home and perfect is not possible, however, you can keep your House clean enough. Try to involve your family members to help you clean the House.

Cleaning different parts of the House during different days. The entire cleaning process cannot be completed in one day. You can consider cleaning the bathrooms in one day and the other furniture. In this way, you can divide the burden of cleaning the House and enjoy the process.

You need essential supplies of cleaning to clean your House. For each part of the House, as wc, storeroom, Windows and furniture, you need different types of cleaning solutions. You must have appropriate supplies to clean the House thoroughly. If you have no supply, take some time to buy it before you start the cleaning process. You can search for quality products that allow you to save money.

Organize the clutter is the first step in cleaning the House. If you have a casino in any room, you need to fix things that are thrown away. In this way, you can control and organize the clutter. The best way is to avoid things in disarray. However, if you have kids, playful disorder at home cannot be avoided. Keep trash bins at hand and tell your kids to throw rubbish in the bin.

When you are finished cooking in the kitchen, sweeping away the spills and stays in kitchen appliances. If you are free, listen to music while you clean the kitchen shelf and unused jars. Clean the refrigerator and throw all those stuffed products that have an expiration date.

Whenever you wash your face or shave in front of the mirror, use a clean cloth to dry the paper dripping water on the mirror. This will prevent streaks on the mirror and make it easy to clean. When you are waiting on your phone, use the time to solve magazines and catalogues that are obsolete. You can also use the time to scan the mail and throw them in garbage bins.

Try cleaning the spills and stains when are cool. Furniture with delicate and refined fabric wooden cabinet will be bad if there are spots on the surface. While at home, it is not fair to restrict activities, it is necessary to adopt measures to clean stains immediately. This will save you time, because payments are easy to clean when they are dry. Train your children and other family members to clean up the mess they created.

HOME grow

HOME grow. This is a trend that is now passed on a young couple who live in big cities in Indonesia. With limited funds, many couples have to think twice if you want to build a dream home ideal fit.
One way to make it happen is to stake the concept of home grown. As the name implies, the home is a home grown development stages. Of course, this depends on your needs and in accordance with the financial capability.

The architects were contacted KONTAN to say, the concept of home grown is generally divided into two, namely vertical and horizontal. Home grown horizontally, typically development easier. Because, with vast land ownership, it does not matter if you have to develop to the side or wide.

The problem in big cities like Jakarta, to get the terrain is certainly not easy affair. If you find it, the price is expensive wuih alias will drain bag.

Hence, the trend in major cities, mostly home grown vertically. So, what you have to prepare with the concept grow vertically? "The main requirements are the foundation of the house should be sturdy. This is absolutely necessary if you want home grown," said Endy Ibuhindar, teachers majoring in Architectural Engineering from Trisakti University.

Planning must be mature home grown

Second, what is also important is careful planning since the beginning of the construction of houses. To that end, Endy suggested that homeowners engage services of an architect or land. "It is important that there will be no disassembly. Instead you want to save, even the bag burst," he said.

Endy said, this plan will continue to guide future development in the future. If the future owner of the house will add to the room, initial guidelines should be the touchstone builders. "It's good, it's home grown development guidelines in a paper that can be opened at any time," says Endy. Of course, these guidelines are not just blue print paper, but also contains the stages of development based on priorities needs.

Widi Sudarmoko, Build Houses Architects of PT Persada adding, the concept of home grown, rather troublesome issue is a matter of design. Hence, an architect who designed the home grown get the order will create a design that will be ongoing between the original plan to
development in the future. "So, homeowners do not ever change the steps that have been made," said Widi. When desperate, possibly disassembly could happen. "So it had to find a designer who is really smart," said Widi Sudarmoko.

Another problem is going to block the process. It's good work was done by growing home builders alike. Mutually handyman can be risky. "Usually people who first worked on more familiar than new," said Widi Sudarmoko. So, you should not lose contact with the contractor who first built the house you grew up.

What is equally important is the commitment and patience in developing the homeowner. Therefore, the development of home grown can run dozens or even decades. "Commitment is important to complete the construction of the house as planned," says Endy. For that reason, homeowners should set aside funds in order to realize the dream.

What is clear, Endy and agreed Widi home grown is a solution for homeowners who want to develop homes with limited funds. Now, please make big plans for your home.

Traditional House Earthquake Resistant Buildings

Traditional House Earthquake Resistant BuildingsConstruction of the main ingredients of traditional houses made of wood, we need to make it as an example of a safe design for the occupied population in earthquake prone areas. Traditional buildings in Indonesia are mostly an earthquake-resistant building.

Ex Chairman of IAI in Medan North Sumatra, Tavip Kurniadi Mustafa time, said that the construction of traditional houses nice to be applied in earthquake prone areas, because to lighter, until the event of an earthquake can reduce the risk of collapse.

"Used to frequent earthquakes also occur, but most traditional buildings are still standing strong survive to this day, to the need for us in the present hiduup to mimic the construction of earthquake-resistant building heritage of our ancestors," he said.

Moreover, the construction of shophouses, rarely use the services of architects in planning development. Determination of the design, construction, zoning, land efficiency and others done at random by people who are not experts. This is one factor why it's easy when a building collapsed during the earthquake.

Construction of a building or design a house so should be regulated in the legislation, so that the development process is in accordance with existing regulations, a building standards for building types with specific functions, if the different functions of the different standards that must be met.

Until now, only limited regulations for building permit (IMB), but the rule was not stressed to the provisions and standards of the composition of the construction of a building, but was limited to administrative regulations and fees only.

A multi-storey building, very vulnerable to collapse during an earthquake, until the construction of a multi-storey building to be monitored and checked carefully and thoroughly by local government bodies. This effort so as not to bring harm to the user later.

Commercial places should be reserved sbgi workshop or trade for example, is now widely used functions violates the rules, such as educational facilities, hospitals until the event of an earthquake, is potentially claimed many casualties.

Need a license as well as a very strict supervision in the construction of a terraced house or building, the building should have a different function, have different standards, so that construction sites can be adjusted with their respective functions.

Meanwhile, one of the professors of the Medan State University, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Ny. Meuthia Fachruddin also added that the shop houses in the city, mostly built without the correct calculation of the construction, to the utmost potential for loss of life will lead to a lot during an earthquake.

In the 18 th Law. 1999 on construction services must actually be implemented by all parties that are involved in development projects, the business was done in order not to affect someone aiming fatalities caused by negligent construction.

Characteristics of Healthy Homes

Characteristics of Healthy HomesSetti article will discuss five characteristics of living a healthy home to live. A house is healthy, beautiful, comfortable and livable is a house that meets several aspects as follows;

In terms of building construction, foundation and construction which has a strong and safe for the occupants inside and are made of materials that are durable, easy to maintain, there is electricity and is fire resistant.

In terms of health are able to support the health condition of each occupant. Examples are available in each room lighting and not humid, fulfillment network of water and drinking water, there is a garbage disposal, sewage water salura / household waste and so on.

In terms of convenience, which aims to make occupants comfortable living and easy to carry out its activities.

Affordability in terms of the development and maintenance of the infrastructure and capabilities tailored to fund homeowner.
In terms of environmental compatibility, which is to provide beauty and the beauty of the home environment. Example; grow crops in perkarangan, giving lighting and seabgainya.

Home environment healthy, beautiful, and livable is every family's dream because they provide a lot of positive impact for the residents, such as a sense of comfort, prevent accidents, prevent and protect from the spread of germs as well as acquiring and pour honey flavor kasi. Efforts to create a healthy home environment, beautiful and livable, among others stems from the attitude of loving the pattern formation of each family member.

An insulated Dog House - how offended dog house keeps your pet safe and healthy

An insulated Dog House - how offended dog house keeps your pet safe and healthy, For disabled people, a pet is more than just a pet, as she and directs helps them in their daily tasks. Because your pet has so many roles to play, can you afford him sick or tired. Bad weather can be the best from your pet and significantly reduce its spirit. An insulated Dog House provides protection from harmful weather conditions and offers your pet pal with the required private room.

A dog is mans ' best and loyal friend. Dogs have assisted in their efforts by a very long time. Historical documents as early as 15,000 BC indicates that the dog was probably the first domesticated animal, the support of hunters and collectors at that time. Since then, a lot with the exception of unswervingly loyalty and friendship of the dog has evolved with men. As with all living things, need to have dogs. Must be the reason is the most important, that of accommodation. It was the people that dogs need to live a private room known. This was with the archaeological evidence from the ancient Egypt dates back as far as 4500 B.c. called. Everything indicates that were to keep the Egyptians the first and train dogs as pets. At that time, the dogs in the kennels of clay were accommodated.

The times have changed, and these days isolated houses are in fashion. This insulated dog houses provide the necessary insulation from bad weather. An isolated Kennel masters weather extremities effectively, and offers a private room to your pooch. In the winter the insulation keeps the cold out, while trapping dogs body heat inside of air inclusions, keeps this process a good ambient temperature inside the doghouse. While prevents the summer insulation of heat in the dog house at the same time maintains a good air circulation inside the kennel, where the temperature to a comfortable level.

The most insulated dog houses are made from high quality cedar wood. Cedar wood has many natural features, is suitable for such a job so weather resistant, moisture-proof and make less prone to mildew and rot.

Ingredients for simple house keeping

Ingredients for simple house keeping, The House is such an important part of our lives. However choose to ignore keep we at home so much. A House is like our bodies, the cleaner, and the more she wears to our existence. Due to our busy office we hardly get schedules, no time for cleaning. However, some of the least time-consuming measures per day make can us to our apartment clean. For example, help window, to the appearance of the House. Vinegar is a simple means of ensuring that with layers of dust and stains messy can the window cannot be seen. However ensure that stains appear as soon as they are removed. Waiting for an extra day can you get, to the mirror more rub. Also microwave is important because so many dishes in it are cooked.

Food stains of its surface sometimes lead to look dirty. The best method of cleaning is a Cup to keep boiling water in the microwave. The resulting steam will melt all dried stains so that they are easily cleaned with a damp cloth. Although these tasks seem so complicated, believe that so many people all over the world they carry almost regularly.

Instead of calling professional cleaning aid, should a certain logic and do tasks regularly. The fridge is pretty important. Each food begins to rot until the consumption. But sometimes some remnants are they in the few days in the refrigerator, to produce foul odor caused leave. It takes so much less food time to the garbage out of the refrigerator. The cleaning of the refrigerator can be carried out weekly intervals. Baking soda can be used to remove all stains from the surface of the refrigerator. This substance purifies the stains without scratching the surface.

Some important House keeping tips

Some important House keeping tips, House keeping has become such an important task for the people. She can ensure that the people so much comfort to get, because they have to spend time in a clean house. There are many housekeeping tips, tracked by people that can appear around your apartment like a haven. These tips can also in the sense of the House in a disciplined State to help. The maintenance of the House is important to make sure that you like to keep in it. A disheveled House is only one cause of the pain. Therefore, should some important tasks that are so necessary for your home to take care of people. The TV screen, although the most commonly used is still an ignored part of the House. Therefore, it is important you properly to dust for it look elegant. You can also a dryer cloth so that the dust on the screen of the TV and the stand to accumulate. So an important part of the House is also the bathroom mirror. A bathroom mirror that has dust on all of his corners and edges, casts no good light on their own label.

Even devices must be cleaned regularly. These devices make a such drab appearance when they are coloured due to leaks. The most common devices that suffer from dust like dishwasher, oven, tumble dryer, washing machine and fridge. The devices need not much cleaning, if the stains, make it once, be removed. You make the most easy to stain using a cloth and vinegar to wipe. If they cleaned it will be difficult to remove it from the surface of any device.

The smoke detector also play an important role, because she one alert to fire. Make sure that these alarms function properly and change their batteries when expired. Follow these tips for an organized home.